Networking Primer¶
Introduction to networks
Protocols and Layers
Interprocess Communication
Network Case Studies (Ethernet, ATM)
Protocol Case Studies (TCP/IP, Client-Server)
References and Additional Reading¶
Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall PTR
Coulouris, Dollimore, and Kindberg, Introduction to Distributed Systems, 3rd Edition
Dordal, Peter L., Introduction to Computer Networks Open Source Book,
Communication between semi-autonomous computers
Attached to host system by an adapter
Communication networks provide an infrastructure for communication in distributed systems
Infrastructure is required at various levels
Software components at various levels: protocol managers, network managers
The entire collection of the above is a “communication system”.
Many Types of Networks¶
Physical Media - copper wires (Ethernet, RS232-C, V.32, etc.) - fiber optics (ATM, FDDI) - air (IR, Radio, micro-wave)
Relative Speeds¶
Speeds (link not aggregate)
low: modems and pagers
medium: Ethernet and Token Ring (10M-10Gbps and beyond)
high: ATM (155-655 Mbps), Myrinet (600 Mbps), SONET (OC-48 - 2488 Mbps)
Local Area Networks¶
Relatively high-speed (oh yeah!)
Normally single building, campus, Office
Most of the time direct (does not mean all-to-all) connection between computers
Low Latency
Eg., Ethernet, FDDI, IBM Token Ring
Wide Area Networks¶
Msgs at lower speeds between systems separated by large distances
Communication circuits connected by “Packet switching” computers, that also manage the network
Messages are routed by “packet switches”
Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)¶
within cities, towns, use fiber-optics cables
recent, to carry voice, video…
Remember - distributed systems require extensibility
Must be able to connect/link networks together => Internetworks
Normally achieved by linking component networks with dedicated routers OR
by connecting them by general purpose computers called “gateways”
protocols that support addressing and transmission between these networks are added
Internet is a GIANT Wide-Area-Network connecting thousands of component networks.
Performance Issues¶
Latency - time needed to transfer an empty message between two systems - normally measures software delay and transit time
Bandwidth (or Data Transfer Rate): rate at which data is transferred over the network once the transmission started
Network Bandwidth - Volume of traffic per unit time transferred across the network
Quality of Service (QoS) - other guarantees such as delay and b/w guarantees, reliability and availability guarantees
Assuming no delays due to congestion
What is software delay?¶
time to access the network, I.e., put bits on the network from the time a message is sent by the application and time to retrieve the bits and supply the msg to the receiver
software delay can be quite large because message has to go through several layers (later)
Example: Campus Network¶

University of Michigan Network¶
Network Topologies¶
How are the communicating objects connected
Fully connected
link between all sites
Partially connected
links between subset of sites
be an arbitrary graph
Hierarchical networks
network topology looks like a tree
internal nodes route messages between different sub-trees
if an internal node fails, children can not communicate with each other
star network - hierarchical network with single internal node
Network Topologies¶

Internet Map¶
A Network is not an Island¶
Reason for networks is to share information
must be able to communicate in a common language
called protocols
The nice thing about protocols is that there are so many of them!
must be unambiguous and followed exactly
rule of thumb: be rigorous is what you generate, be liberal in what you accept
there are many different aspects to protocols: electrical through web services
Design Issues In Layers¶
Rules for data transmission (Protocol)
full vs. half duplex
error control (detection, correction, etc.)
flow control (rate matching, overuse of shared resources)
message order (do things arrive in the same order as sent?)
Abstractions for communications
end points for communication
switches, nodes, processes, threads in a process
how are these end points named (addresses)?
service providers and service users
Service Primitives
operations performed by a layer
events and their actions
request, indication, response, confirm
Protocols are divided into layers¶
ISO - seven layer reference model
TCP/IP - four layer model
network (internet)
Physical Layer¶
Goal: Raw bits over a communication channel
Sample Issues
how to encode a 0 Vs. 1?
what voltage should be used?
how long does a bit need to be signaled?
what does the cable, plug, antenna, etc. look like?
“knock once for yes, twice for no”
Physical Layer - Representing 0 and 1¶

Square Wave¶
A more animated version of this can be found at
Many Types of Networks¶
Local Area Networks
Wide Area Networks
Wireless Networks
Metropolitan Area Networks
Local Area Networks¶
Relatively high-speed (oh yeah!)
Normally single building, campus, Office
Most of the time direct (does not mean all-to-all)
connection between computers - Low Latency - Eg., Ethernet, FDDI, IBM Token Ring
Wide Area Networks¶
Messages at lower speeds between systems separated by large distances
Communication circuits connected by “Packet switching” computers, that also manage the network
Messages are routed by “packet switches”
Wireless Networks¶
Metropolitan Area Networks¶
Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) - within cities, towns, use fiber-optics cables - recent, to carry voice, video…
Not clear whether this type of network is still relevant or just a special case of WANs.
Many Types of Networks¶
Remember - distributed systems require extensibility
Must be able to connect/link networks together => Internetworks
Normally achieved by linking component networks with dedicated routers OR
by connecting them by general purpose computers called “gateways”
protocols that support addressing and transmission between these networks are added
Internet is a GIANT Wide-Area-Network connecting thousands of component networks.
Data Link Layer¶
Goal: transmit error free frames over the physical link
Sample Issues:
how big is a frame?
can I detect an error in sending the frame?
what demarks the end of the frame?
how to control access to a shared channel?
Ethernet framing
The Network Layer¶
Goal: controlling operations of the subset
Sample Issues: - how route packets that have to travel several hops? - control congestion - too many messages at once - accounting - charge for use of the network - fragment or combine packets depending on rules of link layer
Examples: - IP - X.25
The Transport Layer¶
Goal: accurately transport session data in order
end points are the sending and receiving machines
Sample Issues:
how to order messages and detect duplicates
error detection (corrupt packets) and retransmission
connectionless or connection-oriented
TCP (connection-oriented)
The Session & Presentation Layers¶
Goal: common services shared by several applications
Sample Issues: - network representation of bytes, ints, floats, etc. - encryption?? (this point is subject to lots of debate) - synchronization
eXternal Data Representation (XDR)
Application Layer¶
Goal: common types of exchanges standardized
Sample Issues:
when sending email, what demarks the subject field
how to represent cursor movement in a terminal
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Hyper-Text Transport Protocol (HTTP)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Network File System (NFS)
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Net News Transport Protocol (NNTP)
X (X Window Protocol)
Interprocess Communication:¶
Sockets & RPC (Basic operations)
=> Send must specify destination
=> Clients need to know an identifier for communicating with another process (e.g., server)
“Unreliable Message” - single msg sent from sender to recipient without acknowledgment (e.g., UDP)
Processes that use unreliable messages are responsible for enforcing correct/reliable message passing
Reliability introduces overhead
need to store state information at the source and destination
transmit extra messages (e.g., ack)
latency (for processing information related to reliability)
Mapping Data to Messages¶
Programs have data structures
Messages are self-contained sequence of bytes
=> For communication
data structures must be flattened before sending
rebuilt upon receipt
Problem: How does the receiver know how the sender has flattened?
What if sender and receiver have different representations?
=> Follow standard (possibly external) data format - or the one which has been agreed upon between sender and receiver in advance
Process of taking a collection of data items and assembling them into a form for transmission
Unmarshaling - Disassemble message upon receipt
Normally programs supplied with standards
For example msg - 5 smith 6 London 1934
In C,
(data item -> array of characters),sscanf()
for opposite:
Simple Marshalling¶
The following shows how to marshall some data using sprintf()
char *name = "smith";
char *place = "London";
int year = 1934;
sprintf(message, "%d %s %d %s %d", strlen(name), name, strlen(place), place, years);
Can you think of how to write the unmarshalling version using
Case Study: UNIX Interprocess Communication (IPC)¶
IP C provided as systems calls implemented over TCP and UDP
Message destinations - Socket addresses (Internet address and port id)
Communication operations based on socket pairs (sender and receiver)
Msgs queued at sender socket until network protocol transmits them and ack
Before communication can occur - recipient must BIND its socket descriptor to a socket address
Example - Simple TCP Messaging Framework (from HPJPC)¶
TCP/IP example
simple messaging service where the client/server exchange Message objects containing key/value parameters
can send all primitive types or binary-encoded data
Key classes
MessageServer and MessageServerDispatcher (handles concurrent requests)
MessageService interface (for building your own services)
Example Service
Example: Simple Key-Value Messaging¶
An example we presented as part of the book, High-Performance Java Platform Computing, published by Sun Microsystems Press.
The code for this entire example appears in the src/info/jhpc/message package at GitHub.
Example: Components¶
MessageServer: The server side
MessageClient: The client side
MessageServerDispatcher: Used to handle incoming messages
DateService: Concrete example to use message server to get time of day
DateClient: Concrete example of a client (to DateService)
Sockets Communication Using Datagram¶
“socket” call to create and a get a descriptor
Bind call to bind socket to socket address (internet address & port number)
Send and receive calls use socket descriptor to send receive messages
UDP, no ack
Java SDK Example / Quote Server with Datagrams¶
The quote server sends back a quote (not a stock quote) to the client. This is obtained from a file of one-line quotes.
The server continuously receives datagram packets over a datagram socket.
Each datagram packet received by the server indicates a client request for a quotation.
When the server receives a datagram, it replies by sending a datagram packet that contains a one-line “quote of the moment” back to the client.
The client application sends a single datagram packet to the server indicating that the client would like to receive a quote of the moment.
The client then waits for the server to send a datagram packet in response. ß ## Quote Server
public class QuoteServer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new QuoteServerThread().start();
Quote Server Dispatch Thread¶
public QuoteServerThread() throws IOException {
public QuoteServerThread(String name) throws IOException {
socket = new DatagramSocket(4445);
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("one-liners.txt"));
catch (FileNotFoundException e){
System.err.println("Couldn't open quote file. Serving time instead.");
Quote Client¶
public class QuoteClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: java QuoteClient <hostname>");
// get a datagram socket
DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
// send request
byte[] buf = new byte[256];
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);
DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, 4445);
// get response
packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
// display response
String received = new String(packet.getData(), 0, packet.getLength());
System.out.println("Quote of the Moment: " + received);
Stream Communication¶
First need to establish a connection between sockets
Asymmetric because one would be listening for request for connection and the other would be asking
Once connection, data communication in both directions
Remote Procedure Call¶
Question: How do me make “distributed computing look like traditional (centralized) computing”?
Simple idea - Can we use procedure calls? Normally,
A calls B –> A suspended, B executes –> B returns, A executes
Information from A (caller) to B (callee) transferred using parameters
Somewhat easier since both caller and callee execute in the same address space
But in Distributed systems - the callee may be on a different system
==> Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Does not rely on explicit message passing!
Remote Procedure Call (Figure)¶

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)¶
Although no message passing (at user level) - parameters must still be passed - results must still be returned!
==> Many issues to be addressed - Look at an example to understand some issues
count = read(fd, buf, nbytes)
In the above: - fd: file handle (int) - buf: array of bytes - nbyes: number of bytes
parameters (in C): call-by-reference OR call-by-value
Value parameter (e.g., fd, nbytes) copied onto stack (original value not affected)
Value parameter is just an initialized variable on stack for callee
Reference parameter (array buf) is not copied –> pointer to it is passed (buf’s address)
Original values modified
Many options are language dependent but we will ignore them…
How to deal with these situations?
Design of RPC¶
Goal: Make RPC look (as much as possible) like local procedure call, that is,
call should not be aware of the fact that the callee is on a different machine (or vice versa)
Look at the read call again and various involved components
read routine is extracted from the library by linker and inserted into application object code
call read
Parameter onto stack-->
kernel trap-->
returnprogrammer does not know all this
in RPC, read is remote, so there is no way to put parameters on stack (no shared space/memory!)
Solution: In the library keep “client stub” which acts like “read”
So how does it work?
RPC Mechanisms¶
Client-stub packs parameters
Ships them to “server”
RPC Steps¶
client calls client stub in normal fashion
client stub builds msg and traps to kernel
kernel sends msg to remote kernel
remote kernel gives msg to server stub
server stub unpacks parameters and calls server
server processes and returns results to stub
server stub packs result in msg and traps to kernel
remote kernel sends msg to client kernel
client kernel gives msg to client stub
stub unpacks results and returns to client
Design Issues¶
Parameter passing
Reliability/How to handle failures
messages losses
client crash
server crash
Performance and implementation issues
Exception handling
Interface definition
Parameter Passing¶
Some issues similar to messages passing
Example below- what if clients and servers have different representations (Little endian vs big endian)
Parameter Passing¶
How to solve the problem?
client and server know parameter type
msg will have n+1 fields
1 - procedure identifier
n - procedure parameters
How does a client locate the server?
need to recompile all codes affected for any change
Dynamic Binding
formal specification of server
Use of Specification¶
Input to the stub generator - produces both client and server stub
client stub linked to client function
server stub linked to server function
Server exports the server interface (initialize())
server sends msg to binder to know it is up (registration)
server gives the binder name, version number, unique ID, handle (e.g. IP address)
Locating the Server¶
First call to RPC of function
Client stub sees not bound to server
Client stub sends msg to binder to “import” interface
If server exists, binder gives unique id and handle to client stub
Client stub uses these for communication
Method flexible
can handle multiple servers with same interface
binder can poll servers to see if up or deregister them if down for fault tolerance
can enforce authentication
overhead of interface export/import
binder may be a bottleneck in large systems
How to Handle Failures¶
Types of possible failures in RPC systems - client unable to locate server - request message from client to server is lost - reply message from server to client is lost - server crashes after receiving a request - client crashes after sending a request ( ^c!!)
Questions - What are the semantics? - How close can we get to the goal of transparency?
Client Cannot Locate Server¶
Why? - server may be down - new version of server (using new stubs..) but older client ==> binder cannot match
respond with error type “cannot locate server”
not general (what if the error code, e.g. -1, is also a result of computation?)
raise exception
some languages allow calling special procedures for error
not all languages support this
destroys transparency
Lost Request Message¶
Time Out
Kernel starts timer when request sent
If timer expires, resend message
If message was lost - server cannot tell the difference
If message lost too many times ==> “cannot locate server”
Lost Reply Message¶
More difficult to handle
Rely on timer again?
Problem: Client’s kernel doesn’t know why no answer!
Must distinguish between
request/reply got lost?
server slow
Why? - some operations may be repeated without problems (e.g., reading a block from the same position in file–no side effects) - property - “idempotent”
Idempotent Property¶
Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science whereby they can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.
The concept of idempotence arises in a number of places in abstract algebra and functional programming
Lost Reply Message¶
What if request is not idempotent?
e.g., transferring 500 thousand dollars from your account
do it five times and you are broke!
Solution - Client kernel uses a sequence number (needs to maintain state) for each request
Have a bit in message to distinguish initial vs. retransmissions
Server Crashes¶
Depends on when server crashes
After execution
After receiving message but BEFORE execution
Solutions differ
Server Crashes¶
But the client cannot tell the difference!
Wait until server reboots (or rebind)
try operation again and keep trying until success
“at least once semantics”
Give up immediately and report failure
“at most once semantics”
Guarantee nothing
(-) RPC may be tried from 0 - any no
(+) easy to implement
But none of the above attractive
What we want is “exactly once semantics”, which cannot be achieved
Client Crashes¶
Client sends a request and crashes
computation active - but no parent active
unwanted computation called “orphan”
Orphan’s can create problems
wasted resources
locked files?
client reboots - does RPC - reply from orphan comes => confusion!
Solutions (Extermination)
client stub logs (on disk) request before sending
after reboot check log - kill any orphan
(+) simple
(-) too expensive (each RPC requires disk access!)
what if orphans do RPC
grand orphans=>
difficult to kill all
Client Crashes¶
divide time into numbered slots (epoch)
when client reboots, it broadcasts to all machines with new slot
all remote computations killed
if network partitioned, some orphans will remain - but will be detected later
Gentle Reincarnation
locate the owner of the orphan first
if not found, kill computations
Flow Control¶
Network Interface Chips (NICs) can send message fast
But receiving more difficult due to finite buffer
Overrun can occur when
NIC serving one packet
another arrives
No overrun possible in stop-and-wait (assuming single sender)
Sender can insert gaps (assume n buffer capacity)
send n packets
send n packets
Critical Path
See Also¶
There are many RPC implementations - Sun RPC Tutorial - Java/CORBA Tutorial - Java RMI Tutorial
Today there are many new ways of doing RPC, especially for web services.
While the systems are more modern/hip, they still require an understanding of the basic underlying principles, which are unchanged.